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Test Evolve Announces the New Updated Flare Features For Agile Software Testing

2024-10-25 01:20:26 Computer


With the latest releases across its Spark, Flare and Halo product set, Test Evolve continues to provide a one stop solution for all of the core testing automation features an agile automation engineer could possibly need.

Recent Feature Releases
Test Recorder - Low Code Accelerator with fully integrated BDD Support
With the increasing adoption of BDD and the desire to use low-code test automation solutions, many teams have been seeking the perfect pairing of the two.

Test Evolve Flare now provides the industry?s only true integration between your BDD (Behaviour Driven Development) scenarios and a Test Recorder. Our first release provides support for Ruby users, with support for JavaScript following shortly. Learn how to record your first automated BDD test.

Automated Accessibility Testing
Accessibility is essential for developers and organisations wishing to create high-quality websites and web tools, whilst not excluding people from using their products and services.
Test Evolve Spark provides a direct integration with Deque's powerful Axe accessibility testing engine. Testers can expect their automated accessibility tests to check for around 50-60% of documented accessibility violations, across multiple standards.
When testing with this engine, you will record very few false errors. The violations presented in the new Spark Accessibility Report will warrant attention from your developers.

Automated Lighthouse Auditing

We've now made it incredibly simple to add any number of page-by-page Lighthouse checks to your existing Test Evolve Spark functional tests. Lighthouse is a web app auditing tool that executes automated checks and provides scores across a number of key quality categories including Performance, Accessibility, Code Best Practices and SEO.
The Test Evolve Spark - Lighthouse integration arms Test Evolve users with another feature-rich testing perspective by enabling direct access to Google's Lighthouse auditing capabilities inside your current Spark tests.

Automated Visual Regression Testing

In a responsive design mobile first world, many people thought that this kind of ?look and feel? layout testing could not be automated but Test Evolve Spark now offers you 3 different ways to do so.
At any stage within your automated functional tests, you can now compare a latest page screenshot with a baseline image and be alerted to visual differences between the two. You can do this locally in Test Evolve Spark or via either of our Applitools or Percy integrations. Test Evolve enables you to test functionally and visually. You can have both!

About Test Evolve
Test Evolve is a software company offering game changing test automation and real time results dashboard solutions, addressing the ever growing demand for agile automated testing maturity. The Test Evolve team is building an agile automation community to help new and experienced testers and developers, troubleshoot day-to-day challenges, share best practices and transformations in test automation whilst helping you succeed with your automation projects. The Agile methodology for software development focuses on releasing high-quality software regularly and a continuous automated testing strategy will always be necessary to ensure organisations realise that vision. Test Evolve can help you win the day.

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What Do Our Customers Say?
?Looking back on the past year, I am amazed at what we were able to achieve in such a short period of time. Our previous testing environment was mostly a manual test shop with an automation suite that only specialists could manage. Our new way of working embraces a new test framework, decoupled architecture, and employs full automation coverage with continuous integration? all with a small team of QA engineers. I sleep better at night knowing that my coverage is just shy of 100 percent.?

?Now, I know some of you will object that Java reigns supreme as a coding standard. Perhaps it does, but does that really make sense for quality assurance? Our old test automation framework was developed in Java but only a handful of people who were skilled in automation could maintain it. This pigeonholed team members into certain roles. With the new approach, there are no more specialists.?

?Ruby is known for its simplicity and ease of use, which, applied to QA, is just magnificent because we aren?t building applications, we are testing them. That is just so beautiful it brings tears to my eyes.

?At this point in my career I had mastered managing technology and enjoyed breaking software. However, I wasn?t a developer by any stretch of the imagination. As a test manager, I would never push my team in a direction I wasn?t willing to journey myself. So I volunteered to learn how to code and implement this new model.?

?The Halo Dashboards provide real value - Simplicity, clarity and convenience - A central view that tells me where I?m at.?

?A real partner.?

?A very collaborative approach to development. I can pick up the phone to them and discuss new features.?

Reach Out to Us: or 07967093232

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