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PHD Chamber of Commerce & Industry organized a physical event on “Art Collection –Building and Managing”

2024-10-25 02:17:45 Events / Trade Shows


Banking, Financial Services and Insurance Committee along with Library Committee of PHD Chamber of Commerce & Industry organized a physical event on ?Art Collection ?Building and Managing? with Mr. Rishiraj Sethi, Director Aura Art Development Pvt ltd.

Shri Pradeep Multani, President, PHD Chamber of Commerce & Industry welcomed all the eminent speakers, members and distinguished Guests. In his keynote address said that Today?s knowledge session is unique in many ways. It is not on a typical business topic for which Chambers of Commerce are generally known for or are associated with. It is on a very interesting topic and it is Art Collection. Arts promote an advanced level of thinking that can be applied in other academic disciplines and beyond. Individuals learn about magnificence and proportion. Participating in arts and learning about culture increases the leadership ability. Learners attain skills in different areas such as making choices; tactic building, thinking, and forecasting that are vital skills for leadership and leading a positive life.

He extended compliments to team members Mrs. Neetu Jiwarajka, Chair, Library Committee and Mr. S K Sethi Co-Chair, BFSI Committee and team who could think of this interesting topic and have worked together to make this event a great success.

Mr. Rishiraj Sethi, Director Aura Art Development Pvt ltd. in his knowledge session covered most of the aspects on ?Art Collection ?Building and Managing?. He made a comprehensive presentation about Art Industry Landscape, Wealth Creation thru Art, Art Appreciation, Art Valuation& Trends, Tax & Legal Issues, Art Insurance, Art NFT?s. He said that value of ART work depends on the ability to touch more hearts with creativity. Art work of many great artists of the world like Sh. Raja Ravi Verma, Sh. M.F Hussain and many more was shown to all members through digital presentation and also highlighted ART work of many art schools of India. He highlighted that in our country ART work is not promoted as per International standards so there is a need to focus on promotion of ART work in our country. He said that ART is an asset for wealth creation and artists should be recognized with correct valuation of their art work. He also touched tax and legal issues related to ART work. He emphasized on use of NFT platforms (Based on block chain technology) to show off the ART work and to get the best value out of it. He addressed each and every query in an efficient manner during the session. Presentation covered most of the important aspects of ART collection.

Mr. S.K. Sethi, Co-Chair, BFSI Committee, PHD Chamber of Commerce & Industry moderated the session and highlighted the need of this knowledge session and also asked eminent speaker Mr. Rishiraj Sethi to make his expert presentation, while keeping in mind that large number of participants will like to understand tax, legal issues and the concept of ART NFT. He also highlighted the need of ART insurance and suggested that Government should come out with policy on increasing the number of Museums, focus on safety, proper protection and insurance of ART work being displayed in the museums. They are part of our history and heritage. He also highlighted that ART objects should be clearly written in the Will document being created by any individual or family offices as in the coming years the value of Art is going to increase manifold. This will keep the children away from litigation. He also raised a point about revaluation of ART in corporate accounts. His insight about the topic was found very clear and his queries were found very relevant by the audience, who had come from all over the country.

Mrs. Neetu Jiwarajka Chairperson Library Committee appreciated the presence of many Artists and approved the idea to have Art Show on monthly basis in PHDCCI.

Mr. Robinson, Renowned, Art Critic & Curator gave the Vote of Thanks and summed up the session with the key notes that there is great scope in India for promotion of ART. He added that there is a need for awareness in society to promote contemporary as well as tribal ART work in India. He emphasized that Government and private sector should focus, work together to build more museums with larger and better infrastructure. He highlighted that there is a great ART work being done in India and time has come to promote it throughout the world.

Dr. SP Sharma, Chief Economist & DSG, PHD Chamber of Commerce & Industry initiated the programmed with his opening remarks and welcomed all dignitaries. He introduced topic of the session ?Art Collection ?Building and Managing?.

The programmed was attended by more than 83 eminent members of PHDCCI, Corporates and Industry stakeholders including respected Chair and Co-Chairs of the BFSI committee and Library committee.

User :- Shivangi Hans


Mobile:- +91 7838868938

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