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Andhra Pradesh Government joins hands with non-profit GAME Alliance to build entrepreneurial mindsets in students

2025-02-19 08:22:06 Government


24 July, 2021 - Shri. Audimulapu Suresh, Hon?ble Minister for Education, Government of Andhra Pradesh, announced the potential inclusion of Nayaka Unnatvam curriculum - Entrepreneur Mindset Development Program - into all government schools for Grade 9-12 across Andhra Pradesh. Samagra Shiksha has established partnership with GAME Alliance to bring onboard Lead Implementer Udhyam Learning Foundation along with Program Partners Aflatoun, MakerGhat and Reap Benefit.

This program was launched and inaugurated by Shri. Audimulapu Suresh, Hon?ble Minister for Education, Government of Andhra Pradesh, on 20th of July in an event hosted by the Samagra Shiksha. The Hon?ble Education Minister shared his vision when he said, ?Hobl CM and our entire team wants to ensure all our 45000 Government schools make a difference in the lives of thousands of students. That difference will not be made by status quo or by doing what we have been traditionally doing, but by thinking differently and inculcating differential thinking in students. Programs like NaayakaUnnatvam will ignite the spark in teachers, especially the 42 teachers who are selected to participate in the pilot to think differently and become the torchbearers for this program.\"

Mr. B. Rajshekhar, IAS, Secretary, Department of Education, Government of Andhra Pradesh who is taking the mission toward long term goals also added, \"I appreciate the Department of Education for collaborating with GAME for taking up this endeavor to inculcate entrepreneurial skills from foundational level for students so that when they reach employability stage, instead of becoming job seekers, they can be job creators. Orienting students on entrepreneurial mindsets at an early age will go a long way in moulding their personality making them more enterprising in starting up businesses and help in growth of economy which will help society in general.\"

Talking about the program, Mr. MSrinivas Rao, CEO, GAME, shared his ultimate goal, ?The program aims to nurture the younger generation to be ready to pursue their potential by activating 21st Century Skills to groom mindsets of grit, self-belief, and fiduciary balance. As we step into the new normal, it is imperative that youth imbibe entrepreneurial qualities to help them stand-out as job creators and not seekers, in a fiercely competitive professional world. In this direction, the partnership with the Government of Andhra Pradesh is critical to our approach of making entrepreneurship aspirational and a top career choice for the youth.?

Recognising this essential and sustained need for the students, Government of Andhra Pradesh has partnered with organisations with expertise in building the systemic capacity and capabilities in India. The curriculum strives to help students to meet emerging needs in the ecosystem around them. Students are encouraged to do research around their area of interest, assess and take risks, build solutions, adapt and learn to persevere through challenges that come their way.

These young adults at the verge of making important career decisions will get to explore their creative and enterprising side through development of ideas for their dream professions.
The launch event can be viewed on Youtube and Facebook[1] . The GAME consortium looks forward to replicating this program across all states in India.

About Global Alliance for Mass Entrepreneurship (GAME):

GAME\'s mission is to catalyse an India-wide entrepreneurial movement and favorable conditions for the growth of both existing and new enterprises resulting in 50 million new jobs by 2030. It is our aim to ensure that a significant percentage of new businesses are women-owned. We hope to inspire and support similar movements in other parts of the world facing similar challenges. GAME is a non-profit operating as a project under Junior Achievement India Services.

User :- Sumona Kar


Mobile:- +91 8800985307

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