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Personal Trainer Bruce Kahn Brings Revolutionary Belly Fat Loss Program Lean Belly Breakthrough

2024-09-14 06:02:03 Business


July 04, 2017: Obesity and very hard to remove stomach fat remain a cause for concern for many people across the globe. The Lean Belly Breakthrough is claimed to be a revolutionary product from personal trainer and author Bruce Kahn who specializes in belly fat loss. It is being promote as a simple way to reduce belly fat in just a couple of minutes.

Obesity is a cause for concern for numerous individuals, and it gives rise to multiple health issues such as high blood sugar levels, hypertension and cardiac problems. The Lean Belly Breakthrough System, as described by Bruce Kahn, can be practiced at home minus any costly supplements, prescription pills or special exercise equipments.

The program only involves the use of some simple foods, spices and herbs, along with 5 natural body movements that have to be carried out in an accurate sequence for losing 1 pound belly fat every day. The system is founded on removing a non-apparent internal irritation and can rejuvenate a slow metabolism as well as restore hormonal systems.

The system can easily be followed, and it can help remove the underlying cause of gain in belly fat, diabetes and heart disease. Other than the list of foods and herbs and the basic rituals that have to be performed every day to melt 1-pound belly fat on a daily basis, the program also mentions a list of warning signs for an imminent heart attack. It also comprises of a daily plan to restart a sluggish metabolism and a tracking sheet that can be used to track daily belly fat loss.

About Lean Belly Breakthrough
The Lean Belly Breakthrough program is a new system from personal trainer and author Bruce Kahn who claims to be a 2-minute approved doctor for fat loss.

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